>What has been done with panel vibration?
>If using wood panel is it necessary, or only with Aluminium ?
> What have you used as dampeners?
>Phillip Matheson

I'm using a fiberglass panel but I made some VERY CHEAP shock

I used 5 spruce blocks, each one approx 1 X 1.5 X 2 inch, that are
epoxied to the bottom side of the forward deck.  These mounting
blocks are drilled, then taper drilled from each side with the small
ends of the tapers meeting in the middle.  I used rubber corks, cut
them to extend just outside the wood blocks when inserted from
each side, drilled them through the middle to accept #10 bolts.

I used flathead, tapered bolts that go through the panel, through
the rubber corks in the wood blocks, a wood washer on the back
side and a nut.  The result is the corks pull down into the block
when the nut is screwed down.  With the bolt running through the
center of the cork, the panel is effectly mounted on 5 shock mounts.
I probably have a picture I could e-mail to someone interested or ask
someone to post it.

The only problem I had was at about the 20 hour point.  I was motoring
along one day a 2500 feet, grinning from ear to ear, when I noticed
hardware falling from behind the panel.  After landing I found I had
forgotten to replace the temparary castle nuts with locknuts.  Like they 
say, out of sight, out of mind, .  Fortunatly it wasn't a life threatning
mistake and the correct hardware was easily installed.   

building hint:  I used 8 layer of  KR cloth to lay up my panel.  It turned
out to be a little thin and needed some bracing.  I'd go 12 or 14 layers
if I were doing it again and still add a small piece of spruce on the 
bottom back side.

As always, your results may vary......

Larry Flesner

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