I'm at a bit of a cross roads with building my plane. I am planning on building an aircraft to be powered by a Corvair engine. I originally wanted to build a VP-2, but it's just not going to be wide enough for me at 6'2" 250lb any my fiancé at 6' tall "if I post weight I could be killed".
I have begun a design of my own, but this will take much longer to build for a number of reasons outside the topic of this email list. I still plan to eventually build my own design but I'm just not sure that it should be my first build. The more I read about the KR-2S the more it grows on me. However, I have also read that, like the VP-2, it makes a better fat single seater than a cruiser for 2 adults. I know that some of you here have widened the KR-2s and I wanted to know what would be involved in widening it to 44". Particularly I was concerned with how this modification would affect the loading on the wing spars and what changes would be needed to the stub wings. Should I choose to build a KR I will use the AS5048/15 airfoil. Thanks, Sean C. Caranna http://www.wingsforum.com