<some very helpful ideas.> Hello Jim
It's been a while since I've had to work with my canopy, but I remember that after peeling back the protective covering and placing tape on the canopy, I very lightly sanded the canopy plastic that was to be bonded to the fiberglass. This was to ensure that the resin would stick forever to the canopy plastic. Another tip is that if the cloth or resin goes over the tape line, after the resin starts to set, but before it is hard plastic, it will trim with a razor very neatly. I always trim all my fiberglass lay-ups in this manner, because it is a lot easier at this point then after it is fully hardened. Take care not to try to trim too early, while the lay-up can still be lifted from the surface it is bonding to. Orma Southfield, MI N110LR celebrating 20 years Flying, flying and more flying http://www.kr-2.aviation-mechanics.com/