Netters, I¹m ready to glass in my canopy to the canopy frame. The plan book says to peel back the protective cover from the edge approximately 1.5 inches. Then place a band of ³masking² tape or ³electrical² tape 1 inch from the edge. Which tape do you recommend? Then is says to run two 2 inch BID tapes around the canopy inside and out. How do you keep the tape from having a shaggy edge with out sanding into the plastic canopy? Any thoughts on running a strip of double sided scotch tape around the canopy frame to hold the canopy in place while applying the 2 inch BID tape? I¹m sure those that have been through this step will have some very helpful ideas. Also looking for a ³night latch² type safety catch that will keep the canopy from blowing clear open if it ever gets loose. Hope everyone has a great upcoming three day weekend.
Thank you, Jim Morehead Cameron Park, CA Canopy frame installed with latch. Collecting flight instruments for the panel.