There are advantages to being a farmer in tobacco country. The old =
kilns were built using asbestos and since it is no longer available I
brought several sheet home and stored them in the barn. Nice stuff 1/3 =
thick 3 x 8 foot sheets. After covering with stainless the only thing =
thru the firewall will be an engine part in case of catastrophic =
failure. In
that case I don't believe fire will be the foremost thing on my mind.
Doug Rupert
Simcoe Ontario.

Don Chisholm <> wrote:
Ithink that if ever things got that hot that the
fumes given off past a sealed firewall bulkhead
would be the least of your problems.Yes I have=20
welded it, it has to be at fusion temperatures
to give off fumes
Don Chisholm

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