I am going to replace some control cables (and possibly all of them) in my 
KR2. The reason is I have damaged one of them while removing the WAFs. 
Now, the current cables are stainless steel, 2mm diameter (that is 0.07 
inch), and I suspect the local airworthiness authorities are not going to 
like that cable size. 
So, I checked the literature about control cables. Could not find anything 
in the construction manual, so I checked Tony Bingelis. He says standard 
size for all control cables, no matter for which aircraft they are, are 
3.2mm (1/8"). Now, that is a surprise. I thought the cable size would be 
adjusted to the aircraft specifics somehow. 

So, should I go for 1/8", then?

Serge Vidal
Paris, France

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