You don't actually NEED a hole anywhere on the axle, depending on what kind of wheel pants you have. Many wheel pants are split either vertically or horizontally, and fit together. If they're not split, you can split them and add a joggle to reattach the halves. Then you sandwich a piece of .090 aluminum between axle and gear leg, maybe 4" tall and 8" long, extending front and rear, and use that piece of aluminum to attach one half (or maybe even both), and the other half attaches to the first half. That's one way, anyway. I'm sure somebody has some photos somewhere. I haven't done it yet, but mine will be split. Split wheel pants allow you to more fully enclose the tire for better aerodynamics. The threaded hole in the axle would certainly help stabilize things though.
Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at" --------------------------------------------------------------