KRNetHeads, Just so I'll have some KR content, I took a few pictures of cutaway aircraft engines in the Deutches Museum. Here's a sample of a VW Type1 Limbach, at , that I took on our recent vacation to Germany.
It's Friday, so maybe I can get away with this. Some of y'all probably have the day off and some time to kill. You might remember that I promised a web page detailing our German vacation, eventually. It's finally done, at . Obviously I have a lot of time invested in this web page (it's 420 pictures, and is 33Mb big)... time which I really should have been working on my plane. Most people I've showed it too have raved over it, so it's probably not a complete waste of your time. If you're on dialup, start it downloading and come back in an hour so you don't find yourself waiting for each image to load. 33M is a lot of stuff, and although I've never seen it happen, it wouldn't surprise me if it became "unavailable" because of the bandwidth. But I don't really think HiWAAY has a bandwidth limit, so we'll find out. I ran my KR's Corvair engine some yesterday, and intend to spend the next three days working on the KR. I've fixed the slight compression problem I had on number 6, and will be checking the intake system next. One bank seems to be running richer than the other, as unlikely as that seems. I really haven't done much with it in the last few weeks due to demands from the workplace, holiday family stuff, and preventative maintenance on the wife's Audi. I'm getting back around to it, although it looks like I'll be going back to Germany (on business) for up to two months early in 2005. I'd better get it in gear! Y'all have a good one... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see homebuilt airplane at email to N56ML "at"