This would be reason #1 for why I set up my fuel system on my KR to
gravity feed from the header tank only.  I transfer fuel from the wings
to the header so I always pull the wing tanks down until the pumps
cavitate and use all the fuel out of them without ever starving the
engine for fuel.

In the low wing Pipers, if I run a tank dry, I watch for the fuel
pressure to start dropping off.  When the fuel pressure starts to
fluctuate, I switch tanks without the engine ever missing a beat.  


On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:40:01 +0200 "Stephen Jacobs" <>
> +++++++++++++++++++
> After reading the AvWeb article years ago, I took to doing exactly 
> this
> on my PA32.  This airplane (single) has 84 gal spread over 4 tanks - 
> so
> without some care a situation often arises where you have 2 hours 
> of
> fuel on board, but it is spread out between 4 tanks - all showing
> something near to "Empty".

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