Garry Cowles wrote:

> Bulding  a kr2s and have rear outer  wing cap stock from kr2
it   --plans
> call for caps to be 78.5 inches and my stock is  78.25      I can splice
.25 on
> each of the cap  pieces or I can glue a .25 piece over the end of the 2
> before I glue  the webs   Comments and criticisms appreciated.

You have several options, but the easiest is to just go ahead and use what
you have.  The KR2S plans call for adding foam/glass spar tips anyway, so
now you have to add another quarter inch.  It's not a biggie.  The wingtips
will bury the error and nobody will ever know it happened.  Now if you were
building an aluminum plane you might have a problem, but you don't.
Glueing blocks to the ends is probably not the answer though, as they will
have very little strength, not that you need much at the tips.  Don't sweat

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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