Netters, (and builders when you get back in from the shop)

Is there some way to machine an adapter plate of say 1 1/2 inch
steel that would bolt to the prop flange of say a VW and then
bolt the SAE1 prop to that or go the other way if that's what
you're trying to do.    

I seem to recall that MANY years ago when I adapted a Corvair
engine for an airboat that it had a machined adapter that bolted
to the crank and then the SAE1 drilled prop bolted to that.  Might
not be airworthy but it worked on the pusher installation on the

I got another hour in the KR this afternoon and ,after the recent
posts, I made a few mental notes on the several landings I got in.
Turning downwind to base at approx 100 to 110 mph indicated
and approx 1700 rpm, lowering my speed brake drops the speed 
to 90 with the same pitch attitude.  Cutting the power to 1300 rpm
drops the speed to 80 mph on final and short final I cut to idle
and can lower the nose a  bit more while slowing to 70 mph 
indicated.  Without a speed brake, 70 over the numbers might be
a bit fast.  1300 rpm and 80 indicated give me a 500 fpm decent.
Man that puppy touches down SOFT !!  YEEEEE HAAAAAAA

I did a couple of zoom-up from 140mph indicated to 100mph
indicated and got 500 feet of altitude.  My daughter would love
the 0 G pushovers at the top !!!  

Larry Flesner

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