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Larry Flesner

>At 06:56 AM 12/13/04 -0600, you wrote:
>>1.  That sucking sound you here from the upper surface of the wing is the
>>plane pulling money from your wallet. 
>>2.  "Sucking up" is a force only when you are complimenting someone.
>>Here is a link to a scientific explanation of LIFT: 
>>Dick Hartwig
>Larry's theory of lift: That "sucking sound" you hear is your "pucker"
muscles giving out a muffled YEEEEE HAAAAAA !!! 
>On a more technical note, Bernoulli's law, as stated in "Elements of 
>Aeronautics" (Pope-Otis, dated 1941), as it applies to airfoils is this:
>"In a streamline flow, the greater the speed of the air the less the pressure
>of the air, and the less the speed of the air the greater the pressure."
>I don't think this theory has changed much since then.
>The wing on the KR is not divided into top only or bottom only but is
>acting as a single unit.  As it slices through the air, the air that is
>over the top of the wing must accelerate in order to reach the trail edge
>at the same time as the air directed below the wing because the air over
>the top has a greater distance to travel.  As the speed of the
>air increases, it's pressure drops.  Assuming the air on the bottom side of 
>the wing maintains it's static pressure (29.92 in/2 at sea level,
59degrees F) , 
>we now have a difference of pressure of X in/2 between the two surfaces.
>So, is it sucked up on the top side or pressured up from the bottom side,
>you decide.  I conclude it has a "pulling force" on the top and a "pushing
>force" on the bottom acting on a single unit, the wing.  The wing, as a
>single unit, is forced in the direction of the low pressure.  There are of
>too many  other variables to cover here such a wing shape, cord to span
>, etc. but the basics remain the same.
>I won't go into "angle of attack" except to say that it has a direct
effect on the
>location where the greatest "low pressure"  or "difference of pressure" is
generated on the top surface of the wing.  The greater the angle of attack, 
>the further forward the center of lift (greatest low pressure) is
generated.  The
>less the angle of attack, the further to the rear the center of lift is
>This directly affects the "balance" of the airplane in the air and requires
>the elevator forces to change to compensate for the changing center
>of lift.
>When flying my KR, as the speed picks up in cruise, the wing develops 
>more and more lift. With the center of lift behind the C.G., the nose wants
>to pitch down as the speed increases and the amount of lift increases.
>Believe me, this change is considerable.  I once demonstrated it to a 
>friend by taking off with the trim set at neutral, accelerating to cruise, 
>and as I passed him in the air I released the stick.  I pulled negative 
>G's and scared the s#%*t out of myself. I had been holding considerable
>back pressure on the stick to compensate for the increased lift being
>generated behind the C.of G.   If I slow to say 120mph,
>the amount of lift ( behind the C.G. ) decreases and the nose of the 
>airplane tends to rise and the amount of back pressure on the stick 
>or trim required to hold the nose up is much less.  
>This can
>also lead to a problem when the C.G. is too far to the rear.  As the
>airplane slows in flight, you continue to increase the angle of attack
>to maintain altitude.  The center of lift continues to move forward on
>the wing to a point forward of the C.G. and you could possibly run
>out of enough elevator authority to lower the nose and continue
>safe flight.
>Conclusion:  The theory of lift is accurate regardless how you interpret
>it.  I'd suggest that those of you that have not yet completed you project,
>get back to the shop and do so with complete assurance that if built to
>plans, or somewhere close, that it will actually fly when completed!
>You too will then be overwhelmed with the feeling that can only be 
>expressed with a giant YEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAA…………….
>Larry Flesner     112.5 hours and still grinnin'

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