I've just returned from being at William Wynnes place down in Edgewater Florida and wanted to let out a little secret. For those KR builders who are contemplating a corvair engine (which I highly encourage due to my 85 hours and counting... cant be happier) you will be pleased to know that there is a cowling in the works that allows the use of the front starter kit that W.W. has developed and will still stay streamline. Before doing all the modifications for a rear starter..like I have... you may want to see how the new cowling and spinner look on the KR. I think it would be a big time saver and allows the corvair engine to be used with the stock cooler and filter. Some have made comments about the starter being in the front messing with the weight and balance but I can tell you that those issues can be easily dealt with and are not a big deal. This cowling will allow the use of the stock prop hub that W.W. sells without having to install a prop extension and running the risk of more stresses on the crank. Simple and safe is the way to go and put lots of hours FLYING!!! instead of worrying. I am thinking of trying one once they become available, but for now I am flying. I have tremendous respect for William Wynne and the work and labor he has put into the development of a safe and reliable engine. While there we got an engine going for a couple guys from St. Loius IL that are building a 601... They were thrilled to hear that engine purr.... what a sound and big inspiration to get their plane airborne...William spend many hours helping them build their engine. You wont find that kind of help or encouragement from any other engine provider. I truly believe that his help and well made products are a great benefit to the KR builders who chose the corvair engine and to aviation in general. I have flown behind the Revemaster 2180 turbo on my first KR2 and though a good engine and reliable, I can easily say that I feel much more confident behind the corvair. I hope to encourage all you builders to keep at it. Help each other where you can and if I can help by stopping by... I plan to do some friendly flying in to builders to check their progress and show them the corvair installation if so interested...let me know. Well, out to the shop to finish a 172 wing repair - and clean up stuff...... Bill Clapp N41768 - (85.2 hours)