Hello Gang, At the airport yesterday to fly the 172 spam can. The order wiser gentleman in the hanger next to my lease plane was restoring SOMETHING. I asked what it was. He looked at me and asked if I was building something. YES, I answered. A KR. With a dumb look he asked Why the heck? My reply was; 180 mph cruise, Low stall for a fast plane, less than the normal 7 gal per hr. and STABLE. (ask Bill Clapp) He said nothing, walked back in the hanger and shut himself in. Guess I will have to get him some coffee for some talk. I can't wait for the new "KR on steroids" to make a change in the attitudes. My wife thinks I'm already not around enough (in the garage) as it is. Just wait till the bird gets air bound. Fly in's I will be attending.
Everyone please lets get barnstorming (to steal and old phrase) P.S. THE THIRD PART YOU MAKE REALLY DOES LOOK BETTER THAN THE FIRST ONE. Building my Horizontal Stabilizer. Steven Phillabaum Auburn, Alabama