My last post said
I have a New ( as far as I know) Winter ( West Germany)Air Speed indicator,
that came with my KR2, it does not work, the needle seems to be free to move
but no movement when connected to a Pitot tube and placed out the window of
at car at 120kmh.
Are they worth fixing .
Who can repair them ?? in Australia
Or just buy a new one??
Phil Matheson
The above post was not meant for the KR net ,( but our local SAAA group) but 
now I thought  had better explain it a little better.

Guys sorry my last post was not as clear as it could have been. ASI (Winter 
W22405)  0 to 160 knots
How I tested my ASI
The Pitot tube was put out the car window, The glass held the tube in place.
Plastic correct tube run to the Pitot line on the ASI the static line left 
uncovered and NOT connected inside the vehicle. IT did not move the needle. 
at 120kmh.
Next I blew very gently into the Pitot tube, Nothing happened
I could blow as hard as I liked into the Pitot line and the needle did not 
move, ( NO the tube was not blocked)
The static line seems to be free of obstruction.
If I gentle tap on the side of the ASI, the needle does move.

Phil Matheson
VH-PKR  ( Phil's KR)
61 3 58833588
Australia.( Down Under)
See My KR2 Building Web Page at:

See our VW Engines and Home built web page at 

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