You would basically end up entering a test program very similar to that of a new company to prove that your version was not only a safe version of the plane, but also met the standard set out by the rules. They will not take on "faith" from your recordings, as they do for a normal experimental since your example is departing from the group and attempting to qualify for a different catagory. You will end up scheduling test sessions that are observed and recorded by an approved person, that evaluate your version to comply with the new rules, and then you could certify it that way. Since almost all examples of the KR2 and KR2S do not qualify for ELSA or LSA you will have to perform the same or similar exhaustive testing that the manufacturers are having to do. If your goal truly is to have a ELSA either pick a different design, or build the KR1 motorglider which falls into a different catagory and accomplishes getting airborne alittle differently, but skips the normal experimental hoops and pilot requirements.
Bottom line that all need to understand as Dana Overall pointed out some time ago: Passing this rule and creating this catagory is NOT and never was meant by the FAA to improve aviation by adding another pilot and aircraft catagory, to make it easier to fly. This is a ruling that brings into the fold all the borderline aircraft and actual ultralights and powered parachutes so that now pilots of these aircraft also have to have some form of a license to fly, whereas before they did not. It is an exciting time in Aviation because of advancements. But this rating and catagory is meant to add regulation to a previously un-regulated part of the industry, not to make it easier to fly. Do not believe for one minute that it will be any easier to get an airplane certified because of these rules. On the contrary, I can see it actually being easier to get approved in the experimental due to established history, than to get one approved in the new catagory with all its attention and inevitable growing pains. FLY SAFE! Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td) N96TA Sanford, FL