At 06:21 PM 11/9/2004, you wrote:
>     Don Reid may chime in as he did a lot of modeling on the ELF(1) 0414F.
>But he went with the NACA747A314 on his KR-SXL.
>     Several weeks back I did stop at the K.S.P. post in Richmond and got
>direction to Your house but no one was home. I was going to chew the fat and

There is a lot that is good with the NFL-0414F, but there is no such thing 
as a perfect airfoil.  They just do not exist.  Each airfoil is a 
collection of compromises and design assumptions.  They came be optimized 
for one very narrow range of flight conditions.  At some other set of 
conditions, another airfoil would be a better choice.  Like I said earlier, 
I picked the NACA 747a315 before I started to study airfoil design.

If the rest of the message was intended for me, you should contact me directly.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

Visit my web sites at:

AeroFoil, a 2-D Airfoil Design And Analysis Computer Program:

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Aviation Surplus:
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