Today I worked on the wheel alignment. I ran through it all once, only to realize that the plane would never be moving on the ground without a pilot, so did it all over again. But unlike yesterday, I've had a charmed life today. Now that the wings are (temporarily) mounted, the gear splayed a little more (and a half a degree per 150 pound pilot or passenger), so I'm not nearly as toe-in as I thought I was. The wheels are almost perfectly vertical with 3/4 fuel. One 1/32" aluminum shim in the right place tomorrow should get the toe-in down to .75 degrees, which is close enough in my book. And the wheels will be almost exactly in line with the fuselage centerline. The photo at shows finding the plane's centerline with the laser level, and the rest I've done once before, at ...
Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama N56ML "at" see KR2S project at