I have two cheap and easy, flight proiven solutions to offer (tongue in 

I got exactly the same setting: two sealed wing tanks that feed the header 
tank through a pump. And the same Attention Deficit Disorder too. Once, I 
got a clear  warning that I had forgotten to switch the pump off: fuel was 
overflowing through the header tank cap, and splashed on the canopy. Is 
that cheap and easy enough for you?
Another time, I heard a funny clicking noise, and ended being convinced 
that I was losing an engine valve. Scrambled back to the airfield, my eyes 
glued to the engine gauges... until I figured out that I had forgotten to 
switch the pump off (again), and that clicking noise was coming from the 
Facet fuel pump trying to pump air from the wing tanks. Second cheap and 
easy solution...
All the switches on my aircraft have a LED on top of them that is a 
tell-tale of switch position. Fuel transfer is amber, because it must be 
Now, I recently installed a second electric fuel pump, whose purpose is to 
feed the carb (gravity assist, so to speak). Being short of instrument 
panel real estate, I took the location of the transfer pump switch, and 
moved the transfer pump switch lower on the panel.
Thik I will manage not to confuse between these two?

Serge Vidal
Paris, France

"ponds27" <pond...@rogers.com>

Envoyé par : krnet-boun...@mylist.net
2004-11-01 01:28
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 2004-11-01 01:22

        Pour :  "Krnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
        cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
        Objet : KR> ideas to monitor fuel transfer from wing tanks?

HI Gang
Who has the cheap and easy way of monitoring fuel tank transfer.
Darren Pond 

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