HI Guy's found this web address and I include our RAA new letter that put me on to it.
The last "flyer" suggested using red rtv to seal firewall pass through shields. FWIW I think there may be much better products available?? The highest temperature rating that I've seen for high temp rtv is only about 550 F. which is a long way from the 2000 F that the firewall is supposed to resist. When exposed to a propane torch it does not last very long. I have also experimented with fire rated silicone caulk (DAP FireStop) and found that it is about the same as rtv, which is not too surprising. The consensus on the aeroelectric list is to use 3M fire barrier CP25WB+ which is a latex based itumescent fire barrier. When exposed to heat, this stuff expands to insulate and keep an opening sealed. It is available for about US$9. in American Home Depots but in Canada I had to go to a 3M supplier who charged about $22. When I open the tube I'll compare it to rtv but I expect it to be much better. I think some Rona Cashway stores may stock this product in Canada for a more reasonable price. Ken This subject was dealt with in detail on the Bearhawk list last summer and among other key info, this coverage by electrical guru Bob Nuckolls showed up too. http://www.aeroelectric.com/articles/Firewall_Penetration/firewall.html Firewall 2000 is sold by ASS and Leavens has something similar too. David Stroud, Ottawa, Canada Looks like my KR2 will be staying in doors for at least an other few months. This last 10% rule bites! Darren Pond Private Pilot Night Rated Cambridge Ont Cell 519-241-4242 Home 519-651-2522 pond...@rogers.com dp...@sspsolar.com Taylor Mono Plane CF-VML @CYKF KR2 C-GGGW in the garage for little bit longer.