Someone asked me what the crosslinker in Smooth Prime was for and I did not know so I asked Poly Fiber and here is their reply:
From: Gregory Albarian [] Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 12:24 PM To: Mark Jones Subject: Re: Smooth Prime Crosslinker Crosslinker turns the resin or A Side of paint into a chemical resistant molecule. In Smooth Prime it is not so crucial because of all the solids in the paint. It is porous. In a top coat it becomes more important so that when gas or oil are spilled on the surface it will not get into the coating and discolor it. Crosslinker and catalyst are synonomous terms. Regards, Greg ----- Original Message ----- From: Mark <> Jones To: '' <mailto:''> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:46 AM Subject: Smooth Prime Crosslinker What is the purpose of the crosslinker? Mark Jones Mueller Sales Corporation Ph: 262-781-5310 Fax:262-781-4130 E-mail: <> Web: <>