At 03:11 PM 10/26/04 -0700, you wrote: >Has anyone achieved the cruise and range indicated in >the factory data sheet. >Also am interested in high useful loads and what was >done to achieve same. >Thank you in advance. Joe ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joe,
Here is the quick and short answer. Most of the factory specs were based on Ken's KR which was lightweight and turboed. Go turbo, go high, and carry lots of fuel if you want the range. The KR is a small airplane. Set your priorities early in the building stage. Everything has it price when it comes to performance. As for high useful loads, build light, use lots of power, and keep the CG right. The KR is strong for it's size but you can't have EVERYTHING in an airplane the size of a KR. The KR is fast and fun to fly but it has many limits because of it's size. Many KR builders make changes in order to build the aircraft they think will meet their needs. Check out the many projects at Larry Flesner