I maight be interested in borrowing (with a deposit) a prop from somebody  
here in the future to check performance differences woth differing props.   
Right now I have a Prince P-tip (wood/composite) 52 x 50 And right now with  
pants I just turned it 3900 rpm.  After I put on my ram air nozzle I  can 
expect it to go higher.  As of now my top speed has increased to about  185 or 
but that is just preliminary since ive only had one short flight with  the 
wheel pants.  I will be doing some climb and cruise tests shortly to  get some 
hard numbers.  I am looking for a prop with SAE1 pattern - for  corvair.  
Hoping for something in the 54-54 arena.  Maybe a couple  inches longer and a 
little more pitch.  Whatever might get me more  speed.  The climb performance 
great right now - Ive had it a 14500 and  still climbing.  If you have 
that might fit the bill - let Bill  know - Thanks.

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