At 01:52 PM 10/10/2004, you wrote:
>Hi frindes ..hope all of you are fine and and well ...these quistion are
>very important for me ,the reson is because I did not fly any kr2s in whall
>my life ...ok  my quistions  are :
>-1  Do we have to mass balance the control surfaces?

The short answer is Yes.  The longer answer is that ailerons MUST be 
balanced, elevators can be balanced, and rudders are not really a concern.

>-2 has any body encouter any flutter or unusual viprations at high speed ?

Supposedly, one KR based based plane broke apart during a high speed run 
and it is believed that a mass balance broke off of one aileron and it went 
into flutter.  This happened at one of the gathers back in the 80's.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

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