Hello Net This is an update to the chapter of my experiences called IVO Prop. After contacting their E-mail, a reply came that points the finger back at me. They essentially stated that I could not detect the blade movement in a timely manner because I used the wrong size and material detection tape. I have placed a few notes on my web page http://kr-2.aviation-mechanics.com/AlertIVOProp.htm and posted pictures of the prop. I have removed IVO from the links on my page and no longer feel that they can be used safely by anyone. A requirement to check the blade for movement prior to each flight is just too much.
As for the KR, Tweety is back flying with the old Sturba, and I am trying to get used to the differences. As stated before, it is a lot smoother and makes a lot less noise. I have listened to my engine with a stethoscope and could only detect the chatter of two noisy intake valves which need to be re-set to a smaller tappet clearance. I have not tried to find out what full speed is. I have been using boost on takeoff and feel the engine is running well. Orma Southfield, MI N110LR celebrating 20 years Flying, flying and more flying