I've been asked two questions.

1. The heat box is of normal fibreglass and epoxy resin with a flame retartant 
added to the resin during mixing. The heat box is mounted to the firewall and 
is bought from Jabiru.

2. The engine mount is 440mm long to compensate for the low 60kg engine weight. 
I calculated the engine mount length using the spreadsheet 
http://users.tpg.com.au/barryk/Doco/My_W_and_B.xls .  I calculated an engine 
assebly CofG (engine, prop, spinner, heat clamp, engine mount rubbers and 
bolts, oil cooler, etc) and then added that to the real weights of the aircraft 
to work out the engine mount length to provide the optimum CofG for my expected 
use. Several people have checked my calculations and I hope it is right, after 
final assembly another W and B will be done to confirm the numbers as the are 
still some variables (cowling's real weight, wiring weight, oil cooler 
possition has changed, exhaust may change tomorrow, etc)

I'm now reworking the instrument panel as the new guages don't fit nicely and 
this afternoon/evening I will start (and hopefully complete) the wiring.
Then off to a flighin tomorrow in a Skyfox Gazelle, Sunday start the cowling, 
Tuesday the new prop should arrive. 
Next week I have to bleed the brakes, do a wheel allignment, finish the cowl, 
weights and balances annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd hopefully get it back out to 
the airport (I'm on holidays next week).
Then, Monday 4th go to work for 2 weeks away from home :-( .

I'm enjoying this engine refit enormously (though the pocket is hurting)

Barry Kruyssen
Cairns, Australia
RAA 19-3873


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