Larry, let me know if I need to bring some
>name tags and a Sharpie.
>Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL

400 temporary name tags and 6 sharpies are on the counter
at Mt.Vernon airport waiting for your arrival.  They are next to
the registration forms, the "peoples choice" ballots, the KR
aircraft registration sheet, the volunteer list, the list to
track how many want to eat the Friday lunch, Friday dinner,
and Saturday lunch buffets ($7.00 with a $.75 kickback to the
Gathering fund), the Awards Banquet ticket sales, and one 
counter over from the map of the U.S. where attendees can put
a map pin on their hometown so we know where everyone came
from which is setting next to the schedule board which is setting
next to the 20" X 30" picture of the three KR's in formation which
is one counter over from the five award trophys which is just down
the hall from the banquet room where we will have the forums and
has the P.A system already set up.  WHEEEEW!  That sentence
has more range than my KR.  Anyway, the point is there are a
lot of details and work to put on a Gathering and I spent most of
today at the airport settig up but now the fun is about to begin.

For you diehards that waded through all that, I talked to Scott
Wick this evening.  He will be at the Gathering Saturday and
they intend to fly in the "Stinger" (I think that's right) which is 
a composit aircraft that will meet the Sport Pilot regulations.
Several of you have been talking about modifying a KR to
meet the reg's so this may be your answer.

Mt.Vernon will be ready and waiting for you.  HOW MANY DAYS??????

Larry Flesner

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