Hi chaps
Well I had to share my experience with someone so here it is. Last Saturday
I had the oppertunity to go up for a short flight in a Yak 52 which I found
out is 360HP turbo! To say I wasn't prepared for it is an understatement!
The power is absolutely awesome on takeoff. We lifted off and the pilot kept
her just above the tarmac untill the speed had built up .On reaching the end
of the runway he yanked it just about vertical and we climbed like a
homesick angel to 1500' and levelled off for a trip down the coast to look
at seven whales frolicking just behind the breakers.
We did a couple of rolls and the pilot also gave me the chance to experience
+ 4.5Gs as well as -1.5Gs. + G is ok but - G will get me to throw up
eventually I think. I also got about 5 min stick time to get the feel of her
before returning to base. For someone who has only experienced about 65
ponies up front, ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!
Needless to say I went straight home and got to work on my plane.
Have a constructive weekend
Dene Collett
KR2S-RT builder
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
mailto: dene.coll...@telkomsa.net
P.S: checkout www.whisperaircraft.com

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