On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 17:02:39 -0500 "Mark Langford" <n5...@hiwaay.net>
> And just in case you missed Jeff's reference to "primer nozzle", you 
> don't
> want just a plain fitting there, you need one with a tiny orifice in
> This does two things...sprays a fine stream into the manifold for
> atomization, and in the event that the line breaks or comes off, it'll
> be a small vacuum leak, not a huge one.  Wicks sells what they call
> primer fittings", but you'll also need an AN800 code union for each
one, as
> well as an AN805 nut.  They are all right there together on page 153 of
> newest catalog.  These fittings are made for use with 1/8" copper line.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama

As long as we're covering the whole primer system, you will also want to
use "silver solder" when soldering this union onto the 1/8"copper line. 
Plumbing solder doesn't do well with the dissimilar metals and vibration.
 I had problems with intermittent seeps and leaks in the primer system
until I redid the joints with silver solder.

Jeff Scott

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