it was completed in 1985 with pink foam and is still flying today +++++++++++++++++
Thank you Rich - this is what I hoped to hear. Good and well to say it works Ok in the workshop (before it is flown), but here we have one that is still OK after nearly 20 years in the air. Thanks Ron Eason - very valuable info about uncured urethane foam - would never have crossed my mind, but could trash an airplane before it gets out the shop. I know how easy this can happen - I saw something similar when I used fresh synthetic leather on the glare shield of my PA32 - gasses released when it heated up badly effected the windshield (plexiglass). Fortunately I was installing new windows anyway. You fibbed big guy - you said you cracked the one ton grin, yet in a recent post you talk of ninety something hours. I'll just have to open another bottle when you actually get there !!! Steve J