Stephen,and all.Apologies ! by 24 density I meant 24 ounces / cubic ft.Here the
foam is sold as "Sagex" a trade name.I bought planks 1 inch thick and 12 ins
wide,I check weighed all the planks and found three were 12 density which the
factory replaced for me.No I did not use a micro slurry on the foam before
glassing.The book I had stated"never ever glass over micro"---enough said.!The
book also stated squeegee out excess resin.Fortunately I only messed up my
rudder doing this.The paint blistered with expanded air breaking through
miniscule air holes in the rudder.I believe rather have too much resin than too
little.After all one can cut down on the final finishing fill rather.The
polystyrene is very easy to hot wire cut,and sand down,but melts easily with
nearly all paints ,solvents ,fuels etc.Even foam that does not melt with
leaking fuels can become " fuel logged" like a surfers foam surfboard can
become water logged.--so no leaks - regardless ! My plane is nearly ready for
final inspection after some changes I made to the landing gear and I should
have some pics. someday.
Beste Groete,
Eric Evezard
South Africa