I flew out to a fly-in breakfast this morning and with a nice tailwind
I was seeing 180 / 185 ground speed.  I started out with a friend
flying his RV-4 and he kept telling me his location as being ahead
of me by several miles.  I landed and he was no where in site.
I was beginning to worry when I saw him entering the pattern.  Turns
out he landed at the wrong airport.  :-)

To make him feel better I told him I "skipped" three times on landing
and if he wouldn't tell I wouldn't either.  Yea, right...........

Winds 10G16 just off runway heading, hazy, bumpy, but all in all
a yeEEEEE HAAAAaaaa kind of day.  Two more hours on the KR
and four more fliers at local airports.

91.5 and counting.  How many days to the Gathering??????

Larry Flesner

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