I just returned from a morning at the airport. Finished up a few minor task and then headed out to the runway to do some taxi testing. There were quite a few folks at the airport this morning and I must say as I taxied by, I turned everyone's head.As I taxied up to runway 29, I noticed there were a lot of folks standing in front of their hangers with their eyes on me. I announced "Hartford traffic experimental 6MJ executing taxi test the full length of runway 29" and with that I moved into position on 29 and pushed the throttle slowly forward. Now I can just imagine what some of these guys were thinking as I accelerated to 40 MPH down the runway with no wings on the plane. At mid runway, I backed off throttle and began braking. At the end of 29< I turned off onto the taxiway and thought to myself :now that was way too cool". So I did it again and again and again and again. Well, I made a total of five taxi runs down the runway with the fastest speed being 50 MPH per my GPS. I did not want to get any faster as I did not want to get airborne with just stub wings. The plane performed flawlessly during the taxi runs. It tracked true and took very little to keep it on the centerline. I watched my oil temp closely and it would stay at 180° when the plane was moving down the runway and was at 200° at slow taxi. The cht was staying at 280-300°. Once I was back in my hanger, I kept getting visitors who wanted to find out more about this new kid on the block. The corvair engine was really raising a lot of interest. A couple of guys even mentioned how nice it sounded out on the runway. All in all, a great morning. YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI USA E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at http://mywebpage.netscape.com/n886mj/homepage.html