As some of you know, my cowling molds have done a little traveling since I made them, and I think about five cowlings have been made from them. The resulting cowling is not perfect, but it's a big headstart, since you can't buy one anywhere. I was going bring them to the Gathering to let Dan borrow them, but since he has a Revmaster now, he won't be needing them. If somebody else would like to borrow them and pull a cowling off the molds, you're welcome to it, BUT you have to agree to either ship/take them on to somebody else who needs them or back to me. It may not be as simple as throwing them in a box and UPSing them either. I borrowed Dana's Revmaster cowling a few years back and it took a heroic effort (and about three hours) to make a box that fit the molds perfectly, in order to slide in under UPS's max size limit. I'm not sure if they've relaxed the standards or tightened them since then, but my cowling might be a tad bigger than a Revmaster (which was made for a KR2, rather than a 2S). So keep in mind that you might have to ship by truck, which might cost $100-200, but the headstart on a cowling might be worth it. You can see my cowling at . The molds have the nostrils, but it's easy to delete them at layup if you want to. Again, it will not result in a "perfect" cowling like a Revmaster, but it'll get you in the air. I plan to redo mine later on as time permits, but that may be years away, if ever.
But if you take these, you have to agree to take care of them and forward them to the next guy somehow (in a timely manner), or return to me. And this deal only works if you can pick them up from me at the Gathering. No charge, of course... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama N56ML "at" see KR2S project at