"The turbo could be sized for a car application,"

Exactly the turbo is from a car application.  The amount of boost is
actually ok for the present time.  I have seen 35 on the MP gauge and feel
that I can tweak the tuning of the engine a bit more.  If I'm now working
your number correctly, all I want is about a total "hg increase of from
25"hg to a max of "40hg which is roughly 7 PSI.  Mixture has and is an open
issue with the Revflow.  With each engine run I'm adjusting the settings, or
shaving the needle a little to enriched the mixture at WOT.  I think one
more shave will get me to rich at WOT.  Once I determine the needle
dimensions at WOT, I will start to carve a smaller needle so that I can have
better mixture control at mid range without having to make such large
adjustment to the mixture lever(fuel shutoff) every time I change the
throttle setting.  I'm also working on the CHT cooling,  by reworking the
baffles.  Even with a lot of gaping holes in the baffles, I was able to make
a 7 minute max power run and not go into the red.  I still have 4 of 5
baffle tasks to be completed.  I still need some more welding to the intake
system, but for now rubber connectors and clamps secure the system.  I plan
to connect the control for the waste gate today or tomorrow.  If my waste
gate control works as planned, I don't see any stoppers to prevent me from
getting airborne by next weekend.  That's not to say that don't still have a
lot to do.  My current list has about 30 items open, and as I close one or
two, I find from one to three to replace the one's that complete.
Southfield, MI
N110LR celebrating 20 years
To the gathering or bust

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