>There are connector blocks that you can use to connect >sets of wires >together. Radio Shack sells these blocks and the >connector pieces, but they >don't sell the tool that will allow you to put the pin and >the pin >receptacle on the wire, like they are installed on the >wires you get from >the factory.
>Where is the source for these tools and connectors? Assuming you mean the interlocking nylon block connectors (Molex plugs) the Radio Shack P/N for the pin crimp tool is 64-2983. It should be available in most stores at $7.99. To do a real good job I also add a LITTLE solder to each connection "to make assurance doubly sure". Allen G. Wiesner KR-2SS/TD S/N 1118 65 Franklin Street Ansonia, CT 06401-1240 (203) 732-0508 flash...@usadatanet.net