Did you say 15 lbs of boost? Hay Scott, Hold that horse. I said Boosted to 35" hg and the outside BP was 30.01" hg. Earlier I was given the formula of " hg/0.491159. In this case 4.99" hg/0.491159 = 10.1 PSI. The tying of the gate was tried both open and closed as a test to see how the engine performs at both extremes. I still have problems with the carburetion. Today I found a few intake leaks, by using soap bubbles and the blower end of the vacuum. Air was blown into the carb and pressurized the plumbing. Number 4 cylinder is hot because it is running too lean, verified by looking at the plug. #3 is also too lean, but not nearly like #4. Numbers 1 & 2 are running too rich, as the low temps and sooted plugs show. The carb may be capable of supplying the fuel, but my new custom manifolds may be crap. Information on the net about the Revflow indicates that in certain installations a pump supplying 1.5 to 2.0 PSI may be required. My carb runs too rich at low power and too lean at max power. The manifold runs measure the same length however more gas is getting to the left side and less to the right. I'm in the process of trying to modify the manifold so that the flow divides evenly to both the left and right sides. Any way my current plan is to get airborne by 1 September. If I don't make that date, a long cross country might not be wise.
Orma Southfield, MI N110LR celebrating 20 years To the gathering or bust