It occured to me that Dean's plane used the AS5048/45 airfoil (18% root,
tapering to 15% at the tip).  So now we have one very fast sweet flying KR2
with the AS5046 (Troy Petteway's), and one with the AS5048/45 that has
crashed.  I guess you could say that you have a 50% chance of crashing if
you use the new airfoil!      : )

I'm attaching the rudder tonight, will try to crimp the tailwheel control
cables in place the next night, and might be taxiing around the neighborhood
this weekend.  I also have more Champ time scheduled for Sunday to practice
wheel landings.  Moontown's grass strip isn't long enough to do wheel
landings in the Starduster Too.  I'm starting to practice my

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML at
see KR2S project N56ML at

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