Earlier I said: >I'll post a quick "how to" on the JD dynamo wiring tonight
So here it is, at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/corvair/dynamo.html#update . Also, I've completed and ground-tested my "totally redundant fuel/ignition system". I have two completely separate fuel systems, with each circuit having separate tank pickup, fuel filter, 6 psi Facet pump (each fed by different electrical circuits), and checkvalve, and ending in a tee that leads 12" to the carburetor (with fuel pressure sensor inline). The tee is right between the check valves, so any leak in one system is isolated from the other. I figure the grand total weight penalty is about three pounds. All fittings and valves, filters, hoses, etc are Earls. Photo is at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/corvair/04082198.jpg . Firesleeve is yet to be installed here, but will be. The electrical system is pretty much classic William Wynne dual point/condenser, except each coil is powered by a separate battery. Both fuel and ignition systems are independent of the rest of the electrical system, and are toggled by a DPDT (double pole, double throw) heavy duty MS quality switch. One flip of the switch swaps out the entire ignition system (including battery, but excepting MSD coil switcher, coil wire, and spark plugs and wire) AND the entire fuel system (except carburetor), all the way to the fuel tank. I can't think of any better way to concentrate on "flying the plane" if something goes wrong. If flipping that switch doesn't fix it, you might as well pick out a landing spot! Flipping that switch happens without any change in fuel pressure, rpm, or any other clue that both systems were just replaced. I was bragging to my wife how I was the only guy I knew of that'd ever done this and she replied with a smile "Is that good?" I should add that WW thinks it's pretty cool too. I'll do schematics on both of these later. Installing seatbelts at the moment, and on to the carb heat box next. It's pretty cool to be able to roll this baby out and fire it up at a moment's notice. My DAR is on notice, and all paperwork has been submitted, but I don't see any way I'm going to be able to fly it to the KR Gathering in September. I still have rudder installation, canopy latches, carb heat, spinner, aileron cables, wheel alignment, etc. Back to work... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama N56ML "at" hiwaay.net see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford