My KR-1 Plans bought from Ken at Lakeland 1974. $20 and later
updated to $25 set., Virg

On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 14:02:25 +0000 writes:
> Netters,
> Ken came out with the KR-1 in 1971, the first magazine article came 
> out just after I got my income tax refund. I saw it and said wow, I 
> wrote to Ken and ask if he had plans for sale. His reply was $25.00, 
> so I sent him the money. My plans serial number was 69. A lot of 
> people thought I should’ve gone the BD-5 route at the time. Guess I 
> made the right choice. My Ex made sure I never built anything, even 
> though I had most of the stuff to build the -1. The materials got 
> donated to EAA Chapter 292 (home of the Noon Patrol) last year when 
> I moved to Albuquerque. I’ve helped a friend build a KR-1, and 
> helped with a bunch of other birds through out the years. I hope to 
> get stared on something in the nest few years. Oh yes the original 
> plans were a lot better than most of the $25.00 plans that were 
> around back then.
> Bill Higdon

Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

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