At 05:02 PM 8/20/04 EDT, you wrote: >I'm getting ready to construct my wing stubs However I notice that on the >ribs between the spars at the forward spar the top of the rib fits tight against >but 3/4 down I have a 2mm gap is this ok or should I remove them and start >over? Thanks
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Their not fitting indicates a problem somewhere. >From your brief discription I'm guessing you have already mounted your rear spars. This could be the reason the ribs don't fit properly. The front, or I'm guessing, the rear spar may not be located properly. It could also mean the rib was not cut properly, not likely, or your forward spar could be warped. My advise: 1. Make sure the front spar is properly located and is not warped. Check this with a level by insuring the spar is plumb when the fuselage is level. Check at all four rib locations. 2. If all is well there, insure the ribs are all identical and cut properly. 3. Attach the ribs to the front spar and the rear spar should match up to the ribs if it is properly located. 4. Bottom line, if my assumptons are correct, you may have to remove and reinstall your rear spar. This is of course assuming that 1,2, and the first part of 3 above are correct. The procedure I used to build my centersection was mount the forward spar, attach the ribs, then glue in the rear spar to match the ribs. It came out to within 1/10 of one degree when later measured with a "Smartlevel". My KR flies fine and I have no fixed tabs on any of the control surfaces. That's the process I plan to cover at the Gathering. This procedure can be used reguardless of the incidence angle you plan to built to. You just remark and cut the ribs for the setup you want. Good luck. Larry Flesner