I have (had) some stuff called "Boeing Lube".  I am pretty sure it is
Boeing as in 737, 747, 777 etc.

It looks like soap and melts about like candle wax.  I heat up the drill
bit with a match - just enough to melt some onto the tip - works a treat
with any metal, particularly good with stainless - even at faster

I had a few guys get ready to heckle when I started drilling the holes
in the s/steel exhaust for the EGT probes (6) on my IO 540 - each hole
went through in seconds, but I melted on fresh lube each time.

Wicked thing is that the Boeing Lube disappeared from the tool box
shortly after that - so if anyone locates a source in the US, please let
me know.

The guy that gave it to me many years back said that it was also
available as a liquid, but pretty expensive.

The results with slow speed and GO-JO hand cleaner are impressive -
worth remembering.

Steve J

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