I bought the Pitot-static tube from AS, P/N 15144 for $15.65 plus shipping.  It 
is mounted on an aluminum L bracket glued to the forward face of the left outer 
main spar, about 3 feet from the tip.    I thought about putting it on the stub 
wing, but wanted to be sure it  was out of the prop wash and clear of the wheel 
pants.  Anywhere along the outer wing would work, but I did not want to cut any 
extra holes for access to the plumbing.  Access is behind the landing light 
Plexiglas lens.  The 3/16 Nylaflow nylon tubing is routed through PVC conduit 
glued to the forward face of the main spar, as are the landing and navigation 
light wires.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD USA

Did you make up your own pitot?

Take care
Steve J

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