Larry Flesner wrote: I'm running wing tanks only with Facet fuel pumps, an inline pressure regulator set to 4 1/2 pounds, a Marvel Schebler carb on my 0-200. I use a N.C. solenoid that feeds from the carb side of the gascolator. It puts fuel into the intake "spider" just above the carb. With 80+ hours I've not had any trouble starting so it must be working fine. My 0-200 generally fires on the second or third blade. For the sake of science I'll go to the airport and varify that this morning. :-)
Thanks Guys, I guess as long as I get fuel into the intake tubes, the engine would start fine even on a very cold day. Probably does not have to atomize, at 5 psi it will most likely be a dribble. Most hand primers seem fairly stiff and I figured it must be making quite a bit of pressure. My gascolator has a 1/8" npt primer connection on the outlet side before the mechanical (engine driven) pump, will have pressure there from the wing tanks via the facet pump. Best Regards, Riley Collins Rutledge, TN