>I am planning on a similar primer arrangement for my Lycoming, and have 
>procured a 12v n.c. solenoid.  I was planning to take pressurized fuel
from the 
>aux. pump (facet) but am concerned that it will not supply enough pressure
>3-5 psi) to atomize the fuel and feed equal volumes of fuel to all 4 intake 
>Riley Collins

I'm running wing tanks only with Facut fuel pumps, an inline
pressure regulator set to 4 1/2 pounds, a Marvel Schebler carb 
on my 0-200.  I use a N.C. solenoid that feeds from the carb side
of the gascolator.  It puts fuel into the intake "spider" just above 
the carb.  With 80+ hours I've not had any trouble starting so
it must be working fine.  My 0-200 generally fires on the second
or third blade.  For the sake of science I'll go to the airport and
varify that this morning. :-)

The Tripacer (Lycombing engine) uses a hand primer that can't
deliver but a few pounds (my guess) of primer pressure and it
works just fine.

Larry Flesner

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