The final word on fuel tank resin!!!
Today I contacted my local fibreglass supplier, and asked the question about 
what I should use to seal the inside of my tanks.   
I asked him about using epoxy resin with fuel that has alcohol in it, and he 
said he'd check with the technical experts who supply him with the West System 
products that I am using.
Well I got a call just a few hours later and the answer was a resounding NO for 
use of Epoxy with Diesel fuel!!! But with so called mogas he was a little more 
positive, though the experts say it will break down with the use of alcohol in 
the fuel over a period of time, and the company definatly won't give any sort 
of guarantees. 
He gave me a strong recommendation to use Vinyl esther resin on at least the 
top layer of glass ( it'll happily stick to epoxy resin) to seal it up properly 
and forever more.
So no guesses what I have ordered from him and it'll be here in a few days.


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