Steve Jacobs wrote:

> The only KR question mark remaining will become clear when flink dink
> flies 56ML - this should provide clarity on the incidence set-up.

I'm not sure that one's still a question mark.  Troy built in 1 degree of
incidence and one degree of washout into his KR2 (not S) using the AS5046
airfoil three years ago.  There's a picture at the top of that shows Troy doing a 230 mph flyby
with elevator perfectly in line with the horizontal stab, and fuselage
parallel to the runway.   It stalls gently and with no wing drop.  His has
the stock zero degree horizontal stab incidence.  I have twice as much
washout, but then my ailerons are only on the outer half of the wing.  We'll
see how it goes, but Troy is convinced that mine is going to be one fine
flying KR.  I can't wait either!  I should probably mention that what works
for a fast plane is probably not optimal for a slow one, but optimizing
incidence is a step on the road to making a slow plane faster.

I'm in the midst of completely redoing my fuel system after I managed to
vapor lock it Sunday.  It was 92 degrees and I was doing full throttle runs
in my driveway, so maybe that's to be expected, but I'd rather not start out
with a vapor lock problem.  My old fuel system ran from passenger wing tank
to passenger's side bottom of the firewall, up over the top (to avoid the
exhaust), and then down to the pilot's side where the filter was.   That
high part was an invitation for fuel vapors to form.  Of course I didn't
even have fire shield on it yet, so that alone might have fixed it, but the
reroute will allow me to do everything I've wanted to do with it, including
adding a primer system.  More on all of that later, but suffice it to say
that I now have a totally redundant fuel system, from tank pickup to carb
inlet.  With the flip of one switch, I can swap out my complete ignition
system (other than spark plugs) AND my entire fuel system (other than carb),
and concentrate on flying the plane.  I'll do a web update on that, but
right now I'm trying to get it back in running shape for the local EAA
chapter meeting that will be at my house next Tuesday night...

flink dink, Huntsville, AL
N56ML at
see KR2S project N56ML at

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