Hi Guys, After my tragic car incident (in which I lost the wherewithal to buy Scott's project), I reverted to plan 'A' - doing it from plans. Having recovered from the trauma associated with the financial disaster, I've reconciled myself to more modest financial outlays, and have taken a deep breath.
Step 1: Create a website. In fact, a BLOG (Builder's LOG) You can view it at: http://rtfmsoft.com/kr Bearing in mind that while I'm far from proficient in the gentle arts of aircraft construction, I'm pretty tenacious. So maybe that'll see me through. The reaction (at my local GA-oriented aero club) to my announcement that I'm building a plane from plans has been less than enthusiastic, to say the least. But I'm not deterred that easily. I know a good thing when I see it, and the KR is just that - a good thing. And yes, I might not own more than a few rusty tools, but I'm not an idiot. And you guys are there to help when I get stuck. So I'm going to do this, with my wife's blessing. Here begins the first of many postings calling for help and encouragement. Gird your loins! Duncan of Devonport Auckland, New Zealand