Tim & Netters;
The best way I have ever found to bleed brakes is to "pull" the brake fluid 
from the bleeder screw at the wheel cylinder or caliper with a vacuum pump.  
Most auto part stores sell these for about $25.  Just keep your eye on the 
reservoir to make sure it never runs dry.
As far as the idle speed goes, there is an idle speed adjustment screw near the 
throttle shaft on your carburator.  Adjust this screw with the wheels chocked, 
to about 650 rpm or whatever RPM your engine manufacturer recommends.

>Apparently I still have air in the lines that I can't seem to get out. Can
>anyone give me some advice on how to bleed piper master cyclinders with a
>remote resivore.
>Tim KR2 N7038V

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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