Let's clear up a few misconceptions about the Tech Counselor program. Tech counselors don't sign off anything. They fill out a nice little piece of paper that gets filed with the EAA. You also get a copy to keep with your logs and the tech counselor gets a copy to keep in his files. That piece of paper will have the tech counselors comments and recommendations, as well as the builders signature.
There is absolutely no requirement for any inspections other than the final airworthiness inspection. Three or more inspections by a Tech counselor will help you get an initial discount on your insurance, or may help you to obtain hull coverage on your aircraft if it is insured with the EAA's underwriter, currently Falcon Insurance. The Tech Counselor inspections are meaningless to most other insurance underwriters as well as the FAA. The Tech Counselors are only there as a technical resource based on their experience with various types of construction. It's too bad that many of you have problems getting them to come look over your projects. As a Tech Counselor, I always view an inspection as an opportunity to learn. I've never come away from an inspection without learning something new. It is far more important to have someone knowledgeable lay their eyes on your project than it is to have a blessed "EAA Technical Counselor" look at your future flying machine. The jist of the program is to assist you in building a safer aircraft with the advice of an experienced builder. If you get that advice from someone that lacks the EAA's blessing, it matters not to the FAA. Only to Falcon Insurance. One last comment based on my experience with the program. Invariably, those that ask for inspections are usually doing impeccable work. Those planes in the area that I know are under construction but have never contacted a Tech counselor are usually poor quality. Then there are a few in between that are genuinely interested in learning to build a better plane, but realize that they are short on some critical pieces of knowledge. Sometimes I don't have the answers they are looking for, but I can almost always find them a very knowledgeable resource. Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!